Proving Grounds world 4th run

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Proving Grounds world 4th run

Post by Miises »

world 4, us 1
gonna go again in 6.2 with op trinks and lyby gave me some nice tips.
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Re: Proving Grounds world 4th run

Post by Bastosa »

Really damn impressive. Well done!
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Re: Proving Grounds world 4th run

Post by Gruuv »

Doesn't it auto-DQ you if you do a weapon swap?
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Re: Proving Grounds world 4th run

Post by Miises »

Yeah if you swap to a higher ilvl it insta-wipes you. Unfortunately there's no weapon equal or lower than the one I'm using, so next time I'm going to go with 2x 610 guns from the salvage crates - if they ever drop.
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Re: Proving Grounds world 4th run

Post by Lybydose »

If anyone was interested, here's a video of my run:

At the time it was world 2nd, US first, but now it's US 2nd. I actually lost because of a really really dumb mistake (like REALLY dumb), but I don't think I could have made it much further anyway.
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Re: Proving Grounds world 4th run

Post by Miises »

Lybydose wrote: I actually lost because of a really really dumb mistake (like REALLY dumb)
I feel ya. Some of the derpy shit I do is pretty hilarious.
Other than the total retardation, whenever I get to higher waves than I'm used to I start misjudging HP, like I won't kill a mob in time to get a crows reset, a mob will die slower than I'm used to and it throws off my amber timing, crap like that.

After watching the vid, I feel like you could abuse the amber damage debuff a lot more to make some of the harder waves easier. And on wave 9 killing the monkey ASAP might be beneficial so you could hardcast for the rest of the wave.

Also I dunno if I mentioned this when we chatted yesterday but I recently discovered that the engi grenade belt tinker is really nice for momentarily stunning the defenders when they turn their shield towards you.
It's not as big of a deal since you're so dot heavy, but for example on wave 4 for me:
Amber heading from the middle towards a defender I wanna kill and he faces his shield outwards, so to DPS him while I'm waiting for the amber I have to stand in the path of the incoming amber. Just before it reaches me, I grenade him which interrupts his shield and I can run through him and DPS while he readies his next shield cast before he's ambered.
(I also use intimidation stun for this)
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Re: Proving Grounds world 4th run

Post by Lybydose »

Yeah, ambers for me are more of a "don't get hit" than actually trying to use them effectively. Fortunately every wave with ambers is a "free wave" for me except 9 anyway.

I've considered using a traveling amber from 4 to 5 to stun the monkey there, but I'm afraid I'll wind up wiping because I don't kill the amber guy, as I can't really use dots since they can kill it early.
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Re: Proving Grounds world 4th run

Post by Miises »

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