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Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:19 pm
by Gnomorepuns
Interesting link for those who have been following this. It could be lip service of acknowledgement, but I think it might be something to actually watch going forward knowing the momentum it's getting from multiple angles...

Re: Hmmm

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:44 pm
by mer
It's nice to finally have an answer since it was ambiguous before. I guess it isn't really a question of whether or not Blizzard/Activision/whatever is willing to allow legacy realms like this. Copyright law is not that simple. Leaving realms like Nostalrius up weakens their claim to the intellectual property. Cool game.

Any alternative sounds dumb to me. >.<

Re: Hmmm

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:28 pm
by Miises
I think their alternative could be really cool and scratch the nostalgia itch I've had for years. Staggering expansion releases would be necessary so people have time to experience the content but simply removing cross realm and group finder would instantly bring back the social aspect of the game that I miss so much, assuming with all the new talents/tuning that stuff can't just be mindlessly zerged.

I understand the IP law reasons for shutting down Nostalrius but I don't get why they couldn't of simply bought them out and had it be an 'official unoffical unsupported legacy realm' and leave it at that. Even if they tied it to a subscription everyone probably would've been happier.

Re: Hmmm

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:04 pm
by Gnomorepuns
Agree whole heartedly miises. I would personally play on a pristine realm. But that whole thing about buying them out makes so much sense.

They can just say "here we will hire you to run this stuff. Put together a small team to manage and gg"

But the pristine stuff would interest me rather than the cheesing stuff we got todsy.

I think these discussions are a thing being the nost team seems excited about this rather than a lip service.

Re: Hmmm

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:09 pm
by Gnomorepuns
To go into even further thought, i was even telling my friends this like 3 years ago:

I think a solution is easy without the legacy server thing. Make 2 types of Realms, doesn't even need to be a lot unless it takes off.

Make a casual realm, which is like what we have now, and then a hardcore realm.

Casual Realm: has all that we have. heirlooms, boosts, p2win stuff, trivial bunches of LFR, LFG ect.

Hardcore Realm: Having back to what it was during an era like vanilla and BC where there are no boosts, no nerfed content(unless impossible) perhaps an account wide key, gear is harder to come by, no xrealm ect.

that way, both ends of players can have their types of realms and grps can coexist and play to the difficulty of their liking. Literally like playing Orcarina of Time, and Orcarina of time Master Quest. It satisfies both ends. i would sign up for this in an fucking heartbeat.

Re: Hmmm

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:35 pm
by Alyriza
As much as it sounds cool and all to play like how it used to be before group finder, cross realm, etc etc, i couldn't do it, not because of all the QoL changes we have now, but because I remember how buggy and slow stuff it was. The real glory days of that stuff is long over as well though. I guess me personally, it wouldn't feel the same, maybe to someone who didn't get to experience it, it would feel like a new game?

Re: Hmmm

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 11:00 am
by Gnomorepuns
Alyriza wrote:As much as it sounds cool and all to play like how it used to be before group finder, cross realm, etc etc, i couldn't do it, not because of all the QoL changes we have now, but because I remember how buggy and slow stuff it was. The real glory days of that stuff is long over as well though. I guess me personally, it wouldn't feel the same, maybe to someone who didn't get to experience it, it would feel like a new game?

I get it, it's a flavor for some and not others. Though i will say people would like Pristine servers and i think that top guilds would flock there to show they are the best of the best.

Also, there is indeed a market for these legacy servers. The Nost team (from my sources) seem optimistic on talking to blizzard. Now it's likely going one of two ways:

1. They bring them there and explain why they did what they did and negotiate how to potentially do something like this with them and it becomes a legit possibility.

2. They bring them there and say fuck you don't do this again or else we will lawyer up the ass and take everything. Oh and if you say anything on what we said here today, your're history. Basically a PR move to leave the community remotely (very) satisfied that they "talked" to them.

Re: Hmmm

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 12:40 pm
by Gnomorepuns
They are meeting sometime in June. Interested to see how much substance this meeting will have.